« Liverpool City Council » is contributing to the ONE in FIVE Campaign - a pan-European campaign coordinated by the Council of Europe

Chelsea's Choice

public Young people
Category : Prevention of abuse, Type of initiative * : Awareness-raising and educational materials

Using theatre to inform and educate



(Information taken from: www.alteregocreativesolutions.co.uk.  For further information, please contact: alteregocreativesolutions@gmail.com).


AlterEgo Creative Solutions Ltd is a ‘not-for-profit’ Social Enterprise.  It uses theatre and other related media to inform, to educate and to entertain. It works with schools, colleges, universities, social services, LSCBs, charities, borough councils, county councils,  private businesses, national government agencies and NGOs to deliver productions, workshops and training for young people and adults.


Chelsea's Choice

Chelsea’s Choice’ is a hard-hitting Applied Theatre Production that has proven highly successful in raising awareness of the issues surrounding Child Sexual Exploitation.  The play, which has now been seen by hundreds of professionals and over 100,000 young people throughout the UK,  is followed by a Q&A/plenary session exploring the issues raised.

The play tells the story of a group of three students who discover the diary of a girl called Chelsea.  Chelsea was a young girl who, having fallen out with her friends and family, was approached by a man called Gary.  Gary was older, owned a car, had a flat and treated her like an adult.  Unfortunately Gary was not what he seemed to be!  Chelsea's story is played out and examined by the three students who, along with their teacher,  attempt to understand what happened to Chelsea and how it could have been prevented.



The production can be targeted at three different groups:-

  • Young people (aged 12+)
  • Parents, carers, teachers & professionals working with young people
  • The Police & The CPS


The play has been seen by thousands of young people & hundreds of professionals & has proven highly effective in:-

      • Raising Awareness of Healthy Relationships
      • Promoting Safe Internet Use
      • Identifying Risky Situations
      • Raising Awareness of The Grooming Process & the differing forms that it can take
      • Raising Awareness of Child Sexual Exploitation & the differing forms that it can take
      • Sign-posting relevant services


For adult audiences it also:-

      • Raises Awareness of ‘The Warning Signs of CSE’
      • Raises Awareness of the journey that young people may have been on that has resulted in them being exploited – a journey that can all too easily make it seem as though they have ‘made their own choices’ and can leave them not seeing themselves as victims and fighting against any intervention.



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